Annual Village Litter Pick - Saturday 1st March - Please support this worthwhile event, which is organised by Martin Rowling at this time of year as the verges and hedges have not yet burst into Spring bloom. Meet at The Forge at 10am to be allocated an area to cover, (usually as a pair) and bring your own hi-viz jacket and gloves. Grabbers and strong refuse bags are provided. If you cannot make that day, Martin would be pleased to hear from you to make arrangements for another time.
Quiz Night - Tuesday 4th March at 7pm - Please come along to the Village Hall and support this fun annual event, organised by Jenny Howse. Bring your own drinks and nibbles, and come along as a team or be matched up with a group on the night!
Tree & Hedge Planting, Saturday 8th March - a new hedge is to be created along the Banbury Lane side of the Cricket Field, and other recent tree planting will be checked and added to where required. Please do come and help, and meet in the Cricket Field at 10am.
Film Night Thursday 13th March - The next Film Night at the Village Hall will feature Conclave, recent winner of the BAFTA Best Film award, and starring Ralph Fiennes. See the Village Hall page for more information or the poster below.
Lent Lunch - Thursday 20th March at 12 noon - There will be one Lent Lunch this year, held in the Village Hall, where soup and dessert is offered in return for a donation to charity. Offers of soup and dessert are welcome, but more importantly, come along to support the event in return for a tasty lunch and chance for a chat with your fellow villagers.
Save the Date! Saturday 6 December - Culworth Christmas Shopping Trail. This exciting new event is being planned as a community effort for the village, led by Ginny Staniford and Catherine Ruffley. Look out for more information here and in the newsletter and take your chance to join in, maybe as a stall holder.
Issues with Highways or Rights of Way - Please use the following Street Doctor/Fix My Street link to report any issues with highways or footpaths: https://www.westnorthants.gov.uk/roads-and-paths-maintenance/report-potholes-or-highway-problem. The website has multiple options depending on the type of issue you wish to raise. There are details of the more urgent issues that can be reported using a phoneline, but there is a specific list for this category. In general, the online reporting is dealt with promptly, depending on the severity of the issue.
Village Newsletter for February & March - is available on the Newsletter section of the website.
St Mary's Church - Culworth is now in an interregnum (waiting for a new priest!). Please contact the churchwardens Jenny Howse or Martin Rowling for information about services.
Children's Play Area - Please note: Dogs are not allowed within the fenced off children's play equipment area whether on or off the lead. This should not be a surprise to anyone as it is a general rule for any fenced play equipment area.
Please be mindful of the need for parents or guardians to accompany their children when they are using the play equipment on the cricket field, and also that the Banbury Lane neighbours "over the fence" need to be able to enjoy their gardens without excessive noise disturbing the peace.
Ability Bus Service - From 7th May, the Ability Bus Service will once again be providing a weekly bus service on Tuesday or Thursday, running into Banbury town centre, the supermarkets, or Gateway Retail park. The route includes Culworth, and the service can be used with a concessionary bus pass, or a fare will be charged for non-pass holders. Please ring 01327 604123 to book or visit www.abilitycic.org.uk for more information.
Welcome to Culworth Parish Council's website. Our aim is to give you easy access to information relating to both the Parish Council and the village itself.
The Council is currently made up of seven elected or co-opted members from across our community. The Councillors bring a wide range of outside experience to their work and are ably supported by the Parish Clerk.
We represent a lively community fortunate enough to live in a beautiful part of Northamptonshire. Culworth is a thriving village with a primary school, popular pub, a butcher, and coffee shop. The village has come together memorably in the last few years to celebrate both local events and national milestones, and can doubtless support the development of other clubs and activities so that there is plenty to do and enjoy for everyone. The recent addition of the Children's Playground and Fitness Equipment on the Hill Field shows what can be achieved with enthusiasm and support from the Parish Council.
The Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin serves the community as part of a group of parishes which also includes Chipping Warden, Edgcote, and Moreton Pinkney.
We hope you will enjoy exploring our website and find what you are looking for. If you don’t please tell us – the site is here to help you.
Councillor Andrew Wilby