Council Tax Precept Consultation 2024/25
Culworth Parish Council
Around 18% of the council tax you pay in Northamptonshire goes towards funding your local
police and fire services, the rest goes to your local authorities.
Total funding for your police and fire services is made up of the precept and central
government grants.
Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold is asking local
people how much they are prepared to pay towards their emergency services next year.
Those views will be considered before the Commissioner takes his proposals on the level of
council tax precepts to Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel in February 2024.
Over the last few years, both Northamptonshire
Police and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue
Service have benefitted from significant
investments that have brought stability and
strengthened the way both services look after the
Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire
Fire and Rescue Service are on firm foundations
but will face a challenge to sustain these
improvements, next year and into the future.
Your views are vital in helping to ensure that your
priorities for both services can be delivered.
Read more details and take the survey:-
Contact Information
Gary Denby
- 01327 264002
Find Culworth Parish Council
c/o 10A Lime Avenue, EYDON, Culworth, Banbury, Northamptonshire, NN11 3PG
Additional Information
Gary Denby Parish Clerk from July 2023 to date